Another Next Generation Network Coming
There is a massive seer realm upgrade for the body of Christ over the next 18 months (until February 2020), but it will not be received by those who have judgement in the eye.
Another Next Generation Network is coming
In 2007, I carried a word for Australia relating to the next generation network. At the time, the 3G Network had just been released and it marked a significant shift in the communication network. The 3G Network radically increased data availability, which in turn helped accelerate change in society.
At the time, I said the following:
“God was raising a next generation and when young people from across the different states within Australia would connect with one another, they would receive radical increases in communication and downloads of the Holy Spirit.”
In this season, everywhere I recall sharing this, the word manifested.
In the Daniel company meeting some 11 years later, I felt the Lord saying again there is another generation network coming which would increase the ability to see and hear. This time however, He said the core issue is not the speed of the network (i.e. the download of the Holy Spirit), it is the compatibility of the phone.
He showed me an iPhone and said I want to upgrade the “eyephone”.
Sign Confirmed
I prophesied this word in February 2018 at a public meeting. I then shared it with the Hillview Church team (my home church) in May. One of those present works for Telstra. He said, “You are not going to believe this, but as a Telstra technician we just got notified today of the coming release of a major 5g Network upgrade across the board.”
I was unaware of this when I prophesied.
An Upgrade in the Seer Realm Nationally
I felt the Lord say, “I am releasing an eye upgrade. I am now upgrading Handsets to receive greater levels of Communication. I am releasing a Seer Realm nationally for those that will receive it. In order to receive it, they will have to have their Iphone (eyephone) upgraded.”
In the natural, some handsets are not able to receive faster speeds or new programs as they were not designed for it. When the Lord was speaking, it was as though way we have operated and the character we have accepted in the past are no longer compatible with the new wave of the Holy Spirit. In this season, when the Holy Spirit moves in a new wave, the ‘handset’ just wouldn’t be able to comprehend it.
Judgement must be removed from the Eye
I felt the Lord saying, “I want to upgrade the iPhones (eyephones) and I want to see judgment removed from the eye. If you can remove this you will receive a major upgrade in the seer realm and ability to hear and decree.
It was clear that in the meeting the Lord was asking us to remove all judgment. Specifically, the Lord said, “Judgement must be taken out of the eye of the Church.
He also asked us to begin blessing those who have come under judgement from various elements of the Church. This resulted in instant miracles and fruit in the following week.
Note: I believe there are other issues to do with the eye and the heart but the Lord didn’t specifically say this.